How to secure your e-bikes?
E-bike security is vital for bike brands to protect against rising thefts and maintain customer trust. IoT technology makes e-bikes theftproof by enabling real-time tracking and instant alerts and smart anti-theft features, securing both the bike and brand reputation. Learn more about Comodule’s security solutions and latest collaborations:
The Gears of COMODULE: Dave - Friendly Assembly Prodigy
The Gears of COMODULE is an unique opportunity for everyone to meet and understand who are the great people moving the company forward. Meet Dave, our talented assembly specialist.
COMODULE Helps E-Bike Riders to Learn More About Their Training and Bike via Fazua App
Now for CUBE, FOCUS, MASERATI and many more e-Bikes. COMODULE and Fazua teamed up and developed an app for all users of eBikes with the Fazua evation drive system.
Stolen Gazelle E-bikes Found with the Help of Comodule IoT Technology
Since the launch of Gazelle new connected e-bikes, there has been 6 thefts and Gazelle in cooperation with COMODULE technology and an insurance provider have got the bikes back with a 100% success rate.
The Gears of COMODULE: Taavi - Engineer with an Eye for Beauty
The Gears of COMODULE is a fantastic opportunity for everyone to meet and understand who are the people moving COMODULE forward. Meet Taavi, our Firmware Engineer whose mission is to understand how things work and also make them look nice.
The Future of Mobility Is Light Electric Vehicle Sharing
According to Anand Sanwal, the C.E.O. of tech data and analytics firm CB Insights ”There are underlying trends such as a decline in car ownership and the shift to living in urban areas which also suggest that the urban transport market that Bird and others are attacking is growing.”
The Gears of COMODULE: Ahto Moorast - Engineer, Musician, Dancer, Gamer
The aim of Gears of COMODULE is to showcase the great people behind COMODULE products and services. This is a fantastic opportunity for everyone to meet and understand who are the people working in the background and move COMODULE forward. Especially Ahto, who doesn't have direct contact with our clients, but might as well be a candidate for the “Most Interesting Man in the World” title.
The Future of the Booming Kick Scooter Sharing Industry
Every means of transportation has its flaws, but the arrival of electric kick scooters aka e-scooters have solved the issue of the last mile commute. Plus, the added childish smile on your face when you glide through the streets with a quiet, but a distinct sound of an electric motor.
The Status of the Billion Dollar Kick Scooter Sharing Industry
Since the gigantic evaluation of Bird - $2 billion, there is a gold rush of companies all over the world trying start electric kick scooter sharing fleets of their own. It is great for the whole light vehicle industry, but a lot of companies outside of the industry are in over their heads with launching a great working fleet for users.
In fact, besides Bird, Lime, Spin and Skip nobody has actually launched a working fleet yet, but there are a lot of them coming and at the moment it is a race who gets there first.
Diamond Display: small device but huge effect
With Diamond Display COMODULE offers a smart companion to open e-bike systems. On the size of a two Euro coin (1.05”) the bike rider sees all important riding information. The display also connects with smartphone for an enhanced product experience.